Tessa Chung


Hailing from Guangdong, China, Tessa Chung is a photographer currently living and working in Italy-Europe-wide. Her photography journey began during a sophomore exchange in Italy, where she became captivated by the quirks and charm of Italian life, eventually making Florence her habitat.

Frequent flights between Italy and her homeland have revealed a playful connection between the two cultures—both sharing a lighthearted yet profound approach to life. Her photography is thus a constant search for this collective sense of wonder and humor, an attempt to capture the familiarities of the present that resonate with her memories and persona; experiences across the two worlds.


Kid + Adult + Utopia, KIDULTOPIA is a virtual space born from T.C.’s habit of digitally hoarding moments and ideas. It celebrates the vision of a curious child, uncovering unnoticed perspectives within you and your surroundings.